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Job Market Paper

Published or Accepted for Publication

  1. “China’s Anticorruption Campaign and Civil Servant Fever”
    with Xun Li
    Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 67, No. 2, May 2024
    [ Abstract | SSRN | Non-technical Summary | Data ]

  2. “The Effect of Education on Voter Turnout in China’s Rural Elections”
    Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 221, May 2024
    [ Abstract | Working Paper ]

  3. “Housing Market Regulations and Strategic Divorce Propensity in China”
    with James Alm and Xun Li
    Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 35, July 2022
    [ Abstract | SSRN | Slides ]
    Media coverage: [ Caixin (in Chinese) ]

  4. “Role of Professional Bureaucracy in the Policy Response to COVID-19: Does a Public Health or Medical Background Help?”
    with Xun Li, Qianqian Wan, and Xi Chen
    China Economic Review, Vol. 71, February 2022
    [ Abstract | IZA Opinions | IZA DP 14710 | GLO DP 1002 | SSRN ]

Working Papers

  1. “Property Rights, State Capacity, and Social Capacity: The Lasting Impacts of the Taiping Rebellion”
    with Lixin Colin Xu and Li Yang
    revise & resubmit at Journal of Economic Growth
    [ Abstract ]

  2. “Anti-Corruption and Political Trust: Evidence from China”
    with Ming Fang and Congling Xia
    revise & resubmit at Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
    [ Abstract ]

  3. “Adverse Experience and Occupational Outcomes: Evidence from Children of the Cultural Revolution”
    [ Abstract ]

  4. “Foreign Economic Relations and Domestic Politics: The Case of Taiwan”
    [ Abstract ]